John Tiedt’s Statement on Kimkins verdict

To all Ducks Today, October 29, 2010, Judge Rick Brown of the Riverside County Superior Court entered a verdict for the plaintiffs in a certified national class action lawsuit. The court entered a verdict against Heidi Diaz the owner of the diet website for fraud and false advertising. The court awarded the class members restitution in the amount of $1,824,210.39. The court also awarded an additional $500,000 in punitive damages as well as attorney fees. The court then issued a temporary restraining order to freeze all of the assets of Ms. Diaz. Most notably, the court also imposed an injunction requiring Heidi Diaz to post on all of her websites that: (1) she lied about her weight loss; (2) she lied about her after diet pictures; (3) she lied about testimonials on her website; and (4) she lied about the photographs used with the testimonials to promote the Kimkins website. An injunction was also issued to prevent Heidi Diaz from contracting, harassing or cyberbulling the plaintiffs and the witnesses. A formal judgment will be entered before November 19, 2010. The original complaint was filed over three years ago on October 15, 2007. I want to thank everyone who supported the class action lawsuit. The Ducks were wonderful. I met a lot of great people and made a lot of new friends fighting for a good cause. Heidi Diaz lied on her website and made the fatal mistake of lying in the courtroom. You cannot trust Heidi Diaz. I anticipate more legal (illegal) maneuvering by Heidi Diaz to evade the judgment. We will be prepared and I will be relentless. Again, I thank all you. John E. Tiedt TIEDT & HURD

I’m Mad as Hell and I’m NOT Gonna Take it ANYMORE

AmyB has been reaching out to the former Kimkins members and what does she get for her trouble??? Some troll popping in to comment on her blog.

Lot’s of great people stepped up to the plate and let this troll have it. Yours truly was one of them.

I’m angry. Angry at this troll for coming onto Amy’s blog and putting her down. But the anger goes so much deeper than that.

I’m angry that our society has women convinced that they are worthless unless they are thin. Heidi plays that to the hilt. She counts on the need for women to conform to society’s ideals.

When will women realize they are just fine the way they are? Diets do not work. WLS does not work. If you are fat, look at your relatives—it’s genetic, people.

Repeat after me DIETS DO NOT WORK.

Sorry–off the soap box—for now.

The people still left at Kimkins are caught up in the idea of being thin. Their entire self worth rests on what the scale says. They are consumed with massive amounts of guilt if they OMG actually eat something.

Oh but they are dfoing if for their health. Like hell you are. But if you have convinced yourself that is your reason for being on a diet, let me tell you this.


Non dieters actually have better health then dieters do.

But back to Kimkins…..

Not only are these remaining Kimkins members falling for the whole I’ve gotta be thin load of crap. They are also degrading themselves even further by continuing to support a fraud and a liar.


AmyB, you keep reaching out to them….you are a good person.



Insider Exclusive–Kimkins Diet Scam

The Exclusive Stories Behind The Headlines

Headline Legal News – Kimkins Diet Scam



Steve Murphy interviews Attorneys John Tiedt and Michael Cohen; Dr. Americo Simonini; and former Kimkins member, Terry Lind, about the Kimkins Diet Scam.

For those who are unable to view the videos, you can now read the Transcript of the show graciously provided by Elle.

Steve Murphy

Steve Murphy is the exclusive Senior Producer of Sky Radio Network’s worldwide business and legal shows, which are broadcast 24/7 on over 85,000 monthly flights to over 22 million listeners worldwide reporting the news, breaking headlines, legal developments, captured from his distinguished legal and business guests. Steve is also the President of PRI Inc, and also represents leading law firms and major fortune 500 companies in developing strategic business plans and the recruitment of key business and legal executives.

Steve has written over 20 books and numerous magazine and news articles on a diversity of subjects ranging from International Trade to Banking, Commercial Real Estate, general business books, and many more.


Singinglass — are you stupid?

I read Elle’s post on Sininglass and I have to say I just about fell out of my chair laughing.

In my opinion she is just like Heidi. Her true colors have shown through time and time again. Everyone has always tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. She’d come on the LCF board doing the crying woe is me act. Many people have felt sorry for her. She’s been thrown many, many, many lifelines.

I say give it up. Stop trying to warn her. Stop trying to save her.

Some people just don’t want to be “saved”.

Not even from themselves.

The REAL Singinglass Stands Up

Singinglass finally shows the person she really is…..

Watch SingingLass Lose Project ~ 2 Hours, 43 Minutes ago

Remind me not to read any blogs or anything else out there right now. The last thing myself and my family needs right now is the crap they are spewing. It takes a lot to make me actually angry, but today I was….just with the combination of what is going on, and then their stuff….yeash. It may not be lady-like, but all I can say or show to all of that right now is a middle finger.

Like I had any doubt…….

Head over to AmyB’s blog for all the latest.

Was Tippy Lying???

Singinglass seems to think she is…..

Singinglass responds to Tippy from AmyB’s blog

singinglass |Thank you for the concern expressed. For the record—the only contact Jeanie has made towards me since November when she left Kimkins was a single-lined e-mail saying ” Merry Christmas!”. I have not blocked her, she has my phone number…there has been no emails or calls from her to me. I told her at the time that I respected her choice and held nothing against her etc…however it is a little upsetting to see falsehoods made in regard to claims to try to reach or “save” me and so forth when none were made. I am not saying that she should have done anything like that–but rather that it seems odd she did not try to simply contact me personally, rather then making it into a big display publically… which has resulted in positive attention and redemption comments for her across blogs .

Now see Singinglass—I really don’t think my comments from yesterday’s post were redemptive at all. I still don’t trust her, you neither for that matter.

Neither of you rate too high in my book. At least she had the smarts to get the sam hill out of Kimkins. Although her reasons were entirely selfish. If she was getting any money she would have stayed around a little longer.

You apparently don’t have the sense to know you are going down too, right along with that imbecile you call boss. I tried to warn you yesterday. But from this comment alone it shows me you couldn’t give a rats ass about it all. Well get ready to regain your weight. Jail house food is cheap, it’s high carb……

Tippy Reaches Out to Singinglass

In a show of supportand concern, Tippy Toes AKA Jeannie Baitinger reaches out to Singinglass AKA Delaney Deaver. Here is her plea in it’s entirety.

Delany, I just want you to know I understand how easily it is to get sucked into Heidi’s web. It may not be too late to ask John for immunity in exchange for what he wants from you. Please don’t let Heidi tell you he is just trying to scare you as she told me over and over. This is very real and very serious. Heidi is a fruad. It took me some time from stepping away to see it in full for what it really is. And Delany, it is a scam. Sure, you lost weight, I lost weight. But what price did we really pay? The diet lacks basic nutrients–we know this. People are sick from it. AmyB herself has serious health issues, lack of vitaminD, thyroid is shot, and some personal issues I am sure she would rather I not share. I spoke with Christin this week-end, Del. What she told me really sent red flags flying for me. She cannot exceed 1500 calories per day, cannot go over 40 carbs, even with exercise without re-gaining weight. She has had a year to get her metabolism to bounce back and it appears it will not bounce back. That frightens me for all who lose it on Kimkins–especially you. Don’t believe it? Try taking a maintenance break for one week and see what happens.

I was one of the lucky ones. Yes I have a thyroid issue and I believe it was pre-exisiting, however I also think Kimkins may have made it worse. It sure didn’t help it. And one of the Ducks/bloggers has been kind enough to take the time to try to help me move up the carb ladder. It has been with her help and encouragement that I have not run back for another KK round. I am up by 7 lbs but thankfully seem to be stabolizing now. I will tackle those 7 lbs later as I am re-building my metabolism now. And I am lucky. It seems to be working. I am so thankful a Duck reached out to help me, even though I am sure it has not gained her any popularity. God only knows what continuing to do KK could have done to me. All those people who complain of being so cold all the time… It is THYROID, Del! And yes some diets cause hair thinning. But I recently saw a pic of a long term KKer and I admit I was stunned to see how little hair she has left. This is not a small price to pay as Heidi led us to believe. It is the result of a severe deficiancy. If you are losing lots of hair, just think what is happening inside your body. Scarey.

Del, you and I had discussed having no place to go if we left Kimkins. I know you have seen what has happened to me and I am sure it frightened you. I know you read LCF and I know you watched me get kicked to the curb by many, including being banned from Eating Low. But Del, some good came from it all. Campcarbaway turned out to be the best support I ever had. Lots of your friends are there too. And you will always be welcome there and no one there will give you a hard time. That is a promise. You do have a fantastic support group waiting for you. And even if you want to continue to do the Kimkins diets there you can without bashings. Plus we are learning of some alternatives to Kimkins which I have personally found works just as well. Written by Doctors, no less! )

You know I have emailed you several times, tried to call you and it is clear you do not want to hear from me. I am not two faced, Del. I have learned the truth about Heidi and her scamming ways as well as the real dangers of the Kimkins plan. Just email AmyB and ask her for yourself. You too will be horrified. I have not turned because I want to save my own reputation. lol Far too late for that now. But I sure don’t want to be responsible for promoting a diet that hurts people nor do I want to help a scam conn artist make profit from hurting others. The fact she cannot do her own diet tells it all. When we went to the MJ show and she dropped the ball right before telling us who she was, why didn’t we even consider she would have pics of herself thinner? We never gave that a thought because we were so wrapped up into defending it all. I think she knew that and timed it accordingly. She lied to us and that is why she is unable to produce a single pic of herself thin. It never happened and that is why. I believe she waited till we were so busy collecting what we needed for the show that we would not have time to question that OR ask for her skinny pics. She is a pro in the conn game, Del. You have to see it by now.

Anyways, think about calling or emailing John and try to make a deal if you still can. It’s going to get ugly. And again, you can always come to Campcaraway free of charge, just as any KK member can. You will NOT lack support. And I do miss you.

I have to tell you, I had originally been working on a piece about Tippy that did not show her in the best light. It was about her email exchange with Heidi in the letter from John Tiedt.

I’ll be the first to tell you. I do not trust Tippy as far as I could throw Heidi. After reading this plea to Sininglass, my opinion of her went up a wee bit. Not much mind you. I still think she is not to be trusted. But in giving her the benefit of the doubt, I chose not to publish the post I had intended in the beginning. I will reserve the right to consider it for the future. For now it’s still on hold in the draft bin.

I do want to say something to Singinglass.

This is your last out here, you need to listen and take it. If you refuse—then so be it—you deserve everything you’ll have coming to you. You and Heidi can share a cell. Cause that will be where you are headed. Mark my words here—-you will go down with her. If you refuse to take heed now—after all this time—you are no better than Heidi.

Web of Lies and Deceit

I’m sure by now everyone has read the latest update of the Kimkins Class Action Lawsuit. While I was not really surprised about much of the info revealed, it still gets to me the extent of Heidi’s deceit. As so many of the posters on LCF are apt to say–she has a huge set.

Heidi you can never hide from the TRUTH……

A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

Titus Livius (Livy) (59 B.C.–A.D. 17), Roman historian. Histories, XLIV, 15.

The Ducks will continue to expose you no matter how long it takes….

I love a good mystery….

It all started with a drive by trolling at LCF, with many of the posts deleted too. Then it went to a very odd cryptic blog, that eventually went poof, not before screen shots were done. there have been so many twists and turns here…you have to read it all for yourself….

you have got to read all the comments to follow along with this saga…..

Oh, but it’s the member’s fault….

One of the biggest arguments Kimkins supporters have to date is blaming the members for their own health problems. consistently saying they were cutting the calories on their own. They should have known better.

Here are the exact words SingingLass had to say on the Good Morning America show:

DELANEY DEAVER (aka SingingLass): We don’t tell people to starve, we encourage them to eat and I think there’s gonna be eating disorders that happen, you know, in any situation when somebody has an issue with food, but we try to prevent that from happening by giving people support.

and then we have a (:cough: sock puppet :cough:) member stating here:

People who have failed and have taken the diet to the extreme (eating less than 1000 calories a day…duh? commom sense?) are the main anti-kimkims supporters.

and the same “member” quoted here:

It is not the diet that made some people sick…it was their own fault for taking the diet to the extreme. I am sad that they say they got sick because of Kimkins. If they did not check with their doctor either before starting the diet or shortly after losing some weight, and discussing with their doctor, it is their own fault for getting sick.

These are just the most recent examples of blaming the members for cutting their own calories. Yet look what was posted on the FWK thread just last night by HoneyBee:

Kimkins- member asks for a review of their menu

…..I usually eat the following, but the weightloss is between 0-1lbs off per week!
B- (IF i have breakfast) Bacon or whey shake
L- leftover meat from the evening before (pork, beef, chicken) with a stick of celery, and 1 tbs mayo OR whey shake
D- Meat with salad or green veg.
Water, 1 coffee, multivitamin, detox tea (3 times per week)
IF i have a snack, it is a boiled egg or slice of meat or SF Jello or 10 almonds (no more than once per week)

‘Plumbing’ is all good- I am doing gentle exercise (I’m no gym bunny!)-I’m not deluding myself and ‘forgetting’ some things that go in my mouth, i keep a diary of everything that passing my lips.
Thanks for listening

Heidi responds

Hey girl!

First of all, look at your “before” and “current” pics and you’re a totally different person! You’ve done an awesome job!!! Everything looks good in your sample menu, but if you want to tweak a bit here’s what I’d suggest:

1) Skip pork & beef for now, stick with skinless chicken, turkey, fish, tuna
2) Be sure to use low cal low carb salad dressing
3) If your detox tea contains senna (Smooth Move) that’s a laxative so consult your doctor
4) 1 large egg, 1 string cheese, 10 almonds are 80-100 calories each and can add up
5) What about adding 1-2 servings of List 1 veggies in place of 80-100 snacks?

You’ve lost 56 pounds! The closer you get to goal, the slower loss goes because your smaller body naturally needs and burns fewer calories to maintain that smaller weight.

Don’t give up! You’re soooooo close, you’ll make it. Stay tough & focused

SingingLass responds

The things thats stuck out to me were the bacon, beef, almonds, and possibly the whey shakes.

Bacon and beef can be higher in fat….typically just like lean steak now and then. Almonds really are not on the plan while in losing phase, and people report all the time about getting stalled up when the grab for nuts. Perfectly great for maintaining though. I would say maybe cut out the whey shakes for a little while just to see if you notice a difference, it is one of those things that some people are fine with but others can stall a bit, also depending on the shake.

What are you putting in your coffee?

BTW—you look great! You also have such cute clothes, where do you shop?

Even an imbecile can see this member is not taking in that many calories to begin with. Yet Heidi and SingingLass are quick to tell her to cut out even more.

But, oh, it’s the member’s fault for cutting calories to the bare minimum….

Heidi’s Newest Pic

After Heidi removed herself from the front page recently, she up and decides to add her progress pic once again.

(Photo courtesy of Honeybee)

The usual conversation went on in the “Fascination With Kimmer” thread at LowCarbFriends. Is it a real pic? Is she really losing weight? Was it photoshopped?

At this point, I won’t believe any pic Heidi posts herself. Her track record for falsifying pics speaks volumes. I’m looking for some more concrete proof from an outside source before I believe anything from Heidi.

The Latest on the Idiotic Pinky Swear Challenge

The official results from week 2 of the idiotic Pinky Swear Challenge……drum roll pleeezzzz……191.4 pounds!!!

Bringing the total loss for just 2 weeks (halfway through the challenge) to:

434.7 pounds!!!

WOWZA!!! That’s impressive huh…..

Or is it????

:calculator in hand:

They have 130 people signed up for this idiotic challenge.

We know Heidi is not losing…so dividing this weeks loss by 129 gives us an average of 1.5 lbs/person. For the 2 weeks, they are averaging 3.4lbs/person.

Super fast weight loss there y’all…..

Heidi said she is “surprised” at the weight loss. But she “knows” Kimkins works. Yeah, starvation DOES have a tendency to make you lose weight….


Cleochatra is losing faster than that and she EATS!!!

Heidi Diaz AKA “Kimmer” Could Learn From These Ladies and Gents

In a earlier post here I wrote how Heidi has an affinity for targeting teens. Not only does she prey on the insecurities of todays teens, the need to conform to media standards of beauty, she COUNTS ON IT to line her pockets. As well as those same thoughts from adults too.

Remember how Heidi responded to a 14 year old girl on her forum? This young girl was participating in the boot camp program at Kimkins, consuming only 500 cals/day and exercising for 30 minutes.

Mo Pie, one of the many “Health at Any Size” bloggers out there, received a letter from a 14 year old girl. Here is a small portion of that letter:

“The Beautiful People Are The Skinny People”

Is this just a “fourteen year old phase”?
What’ll it take for me to love my reflection?
‘Cause everytime I say to myself “You’re beautiful” it feels like a lie…

How do you do it? How can you just totally accept yourself exactly the way you are! What your secret? Will you share it with me?

So far there have been 67 replies to this post. Here are just a few of the responses:


Your body is how your mind accomplishes its work in the world; it’s what lets you do and be and act. We tell women that their bodies need to look a certain way, but if we all looked the same, we’d all be do-ing and be-ing and act-ing the same, and that’s not what this world needs. It needs all our individual bodies, and all our individual talents, and all our individual limitations in order to create the diversity of experiences that exist. If everyone were the same, even if everyone were perfect, the world would, frankly, suck.

Look at your body and love your body not for what it looks like to others, but for what it does for you. Find the parts of it you like, the parts of it that are strong or flexible or hard or soft in just the right ways, and concentrate on those for a while. Maybe you can’t hear “You are beautiful” yet (though you are), but try “I am strong” or “I am fearless” or “I am flexible” or “I am solid” or “I am energetic.”

Say good things about yourself long enough, and even you will come to believe them. (Remember that it works the other way, too, and stop yourself from saying negative things about your body, even in your head.)


All the tips and tricks and affirmations in the world won’t force a change in an unwilling mind, but you have to find whatever it is inside you that makes it true for you. A lot of that comes through doing whatever it is that you are uniquely good at, because the satisfaction of creating or performing something great drowns out a helluva lot of self-loathing cynicism. It can be anything; art, sports, music, theater, writing, gardening, martial arts, photography, crafts, etc. etc. etc.

Do something physical. I agree about the Yoga since it challenges you, you can work up to it gradually at your own pace, it helps your balance and posture, and it makes you really aware of your body and what it can accomplish.

Then, surround yourself with good people. Friends are not really friends if they tear you down or make you feel ashamed of any part of yourself, physical or personal. A friend is someone you should be able to trust. A couple of true friends is worth more than a houseful of “associates” that stress you out.

Skinny people hate their bodies too. The “beautiful people” often see just as much to hate about their bodies as everyone else. That doesn’t help or comfort much, but it’s a perspective to hold onto so that you’re not placing anyone on a pedestal. Choose your heros by what they do and who they are, not by what they look like.


Sweetie, you ARE beautiful.

Is it your fault that our culture worships at the altar of “thin”? No.

Many other cultures have different ideas of beauty, and even our own culture has had, historically, different ideas of beauty.

But I don’t really think you believe that weight loss equals automatic beauty. I bet you know a lot of girls who are skinny but aren’t very beautiful inside, right? They might fool people with the outside for a while, but it’s funny: usually what someone is on the inside pushes out through her, and shines on the outside.

I bet you’re nice, and even if some people are mean to you they know, deep down, you’re nice, and talented. High school is hard. People are finding themselves, creating the adults they will soon be. Some people need to feel like they’re superior to other people, so they read magazines, watch TV, and get an idea of what our culture thinks is superior. Right now the culture says that skinny is superior to fat.

But is it true? Fat doesn’t make you bad. Fat doesn’t make you lazy, or ugly, or stupid, or untalented, or undisciplined. It’s just biological tissue, it can’t make you BE anything!

Sweetie, you have to understand that although a majority of people believes a thing, that doesn’t make it true. At one point in history, the majority of people thought the Earth was flat and the Sun orbited the Earth. Well, science was discovered that told them that wasn’t true. And science has been discovered, and more is being found out every day, that shows that fat doesn’t make you unhealthy, or stupid, or lazy, or ugly.

It will take some time for the culture to catch up, but they will. What can you do in the meantime? Stand up for yourself. Don’t let the haters treat you like you’re worthless, because they’re ignorant. Don’t let yourself be discriminated against without a fight. If the boy you like doesn’t like you because he thinks fat is ugly, then you know what? HE’s the ugly one. Keep your dignity in the face of adversity, like the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did.

Keep that dignity, knowing that you’re right, and believe you’re beautiful, and attractive, and never, ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

Shapely Prose even posted about it.

There is a happy ending to this story, the 14 year old girl responds back.

Heidi, since I know you read here, this is how you respond to a 14 year old girl struggling with her body image issues. NOT encourage her to keep starving herself.

I wonder what these wonderful people would have to say to Heidi Diaz…….hmmmmm

Heidi Gets Snarky

Poor old Heidi showed her true self over at the Kimpire yesterday. This lawsuit and all the Negative Nancies must be really getting to her.

As you all know, Heidi has never lost any weight, no matter what she has said in the past. So she is trying to be just “one of the gals” in this latest effort by the whole “Watch Us Lose” on the front page plus that idiotic “Pinky Swear Challenge”.

This is from the Kimpire(posted on LCF):

Kimmer and Singinglass ( front page ladies) 7 Hours, 29 Minutes ago

Let’s do some updated pictures…I LOVE to see how good everyone is looking. Kimmer..I know your pics must of changed with your weight loss and Singinglass ..I am so excited that you are in Onderland..great job.

Camarodiva and Sally…you look great…any updated pictures?

Have a great day.

To which Heidi replied:

Re:Kimmer and Singinglass ( front page ladies) 52 Minutes ago

Hey Amy! I sure appreciate your continued interest in how we’re doing on the front page. It wouldn’t be Monday with your post for new pics, right?

When new pics & updates are available they’ll be posted OK? Meanwhile, you’re a stone’s throw from goal so get yourself busy and post on all of your challenges! Time’s running out before summer!!! I know if you have time to ask about our pics, you’ve got time to keep up on your challenges.

You look fantastic!

Heidi isn’t losing any weight, y’all. I bet ya dollars to sugar cookies. That’s why she is being so snarky about the pics. She was already called out about the first pic she had up being fake. So she replaced it with the one currently showing. What happened to weekly updates? this challenge has been going on since Nov 12–the day of the M&J show. Yet Heidi has only had 2 pics up.

Well I guess I would be snarky too, if I still weighed 350+ pounds and probably gaining when I SAY I weigh only 267. Kinda hard to photoshop 100 lbs out of a pic without someone becoming suspicious.

Heidi’s Spin on Things

Heidi once again throws her “spin” to make things look better than they really are.

Her latest is that idiotic juvenile Pinky Swear Challenge. She is trumpeting the fact that this week’s weigh-in has resulted in well over 200lbs lost in the challenge. Sounds real impressive on the surface doesn’t it.

Do a little math though and it averages out to be a little over 3 lbs a person. Big whoop de friggin doo. The average Atkins dieter can do that each and every week and they actually get to eat.

Plus when the person following Atkins hits maintenance, there’s actually a program in place.

Anyone can starve and lose weight. The key to being a success at any weight loss effort is maintaining it. With Kimkins, it ain’t gonna happen. The minute you put any real food in your mouth—boom pounds pop on. Plus they bring lots of friends with them. It’s the way the human body is designed for survival.

She’s a manipulator plain an simple. Don’t fall for it.