Shocking revelations about the Anti-KK community. No, really.

A wonderful blog post appeared yesterday in my RSS feed reader. It was written about the fatosphere, but I found it applies directly to the anti KK community also.

Read the full post here.

Here are the major points of the post—substitute the word fatosphere with anti-kk community.

Revelation #1: There is no one person who speaks for the entirety of the fat acceptance community.

We have many anti-kk bloggers. Some are more popular than others. But we all have something to say. So many forget that in blogging you are expressing YOUR opinion.

I don’t profess to speak for other bloggers and they sure as hell can’t speak for me.

Revelation #2: Not everyone in the fatosphere likes everyone else in the fatosphere.

Anytime you bring a group of people together there will be disagreements. Not all of us will see eye to eye on all issues.

Revelation #3: The fatosphere is not filled with carbon copy people. We are not Borg.

That says it all.

Revelation #4: This is the most important thing in this post: the shocking revelations listed above can be good and positive things.

Having differing perspectives on this whole saga is a good thing. As individuals we all see things differently. Feeling free to express those opinions is the foundation of personal freedoms.

Just remember this quote: